Pressure solution
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Pressure Solution and Overgrowth of Sulphides in Massive Sulphide Ores and Their Metallogenic Significance : Exemplified by Deposits of Western Canada
Researches show that in the early stage of sandstone diagenesis , compaction , pressure solution , cementation and replacement reduce both the porosity and the permeability .
( 2 ) One of our solutions is positive pressure solution .
Unified oil well test interpretation model and bottom hole pressure solution
Pressure solution & an important deformation mechanism
Pressure Solution Method and Its Comparison for Injection Molding
Process of high efficient pressure solution air floatation applied in oily water treatment
Restoration of the Thickness of Pressure Solution Carbonate Rocks
A computationally efficient transient pressure solution for an inclined multiwell system
It is a key point of the model to determine the beginning and ending depth and time of pressure solution .
The mechanisms of pressure solution can be classified as water membrane model , island channeling model and Gratz model .
A new mechanism for pressure solution of electrically-conductive minerals in shallow crust : a process of stress galvanic cell
The sandstone underwent compaction and pressure solution , cementation , replacement , dissolution and cracking during the diagenesis evolution process .
Highly developed stylolite seams by pressure solution and multi stages of calcite veining are widely distributed in the fault zone .
Pressure solution and associated tectonic differentiation in rock deformation a study on tectonic-dynamical differentiation of elements in Xinzhou gold deposit , Guangdong province , southern China
In early diagenetic phase , mechanical compaction and pressure solution greatly reduce the porosity of reservoirs , but does not affect the normal flow of oil and gas .
The chemical factors include chemical precipitation , pressure solution and element migration , and their actions are as follows : ① Chemical precipitation develops in unsealing fault ;
Immature and lower-mature oil and gas may be expelled with pore fluids as reduction of bed thickness and volume during pressure solution of carbonate source rock .
The unconsolidated sediment being consolidation and dehydration , while the primary porosity is destroyed fatally , is due to the compaction and pressure solution .
Volume loss and element migration happen during deformation and metamorphism to form fault rocks , and most of volume loss is caused by pressure solution and element outmigration .
The fault exists obviously in three bands : cataclasite concentrated joint band , worn braciation shearing rotation band and gouge partial pressure solution band .
The main diagenesis observed through the microscope are pressure solution compaction , filling , dolomitization , recrystallization , limonitization , corrosion and fracturing related structure .
Sulphide minerals as well as gangues in these deposits have suffered intense pressure solution , and the sulphides have undergone multi_stage overgrowth .
According to the well-bottom pressure solution of Finite-conductivity Vertical Fractured Well Math Model , which is transformed in Mathematics , the Binomial Ephemera Productivity Forecast Model was derived .
This paper has made a summary of flotation technique of oily wastewater , and introduced injector 's design and technical , economical analyses about the jet solution air flotation and the pressure solution air flotation .
The estimating results show that the allochthone is commonly subjected to strong pressure solution and mass transfor during the thrusting , whichcouses an average volume less to22.88 % .
The cementation of laumonite , calcite and chlorite , compact and pressure solution , as well as the dissolution of laumontite , feldspar are also of main factors which affect reservoir properties .
We have studied influence streamline form method precision several aspects , including pressure solution quality , along streamline form component transmission numeral plan , between assembly line and pressure grid mapping , as well as streamline form tracing algorithm quality ;
The change of surface energy calculated from the change of the total surface area before and after pressure solution and recrystallization , is 0.133J / cm3 , which can serve as a measure of the magnitude of stress .
Through an analysis of the basic characteristics of pressure solution of carbonate rocks , the authors present the thickness restoration principle and formula of pressure solution carbonate rock and discuss the organic matter abundance correction method and formula of stylolite .